Reflection at resolutions

With 7 months already gone, It's a good enough time to review my yearly resolutions.

Major Life Milestones:

1. 30 days of Workouts: I did successfully complete a streak of more than 30 continuous days of workouts, so this worked out pretty well. The feeling of achievement after completion was really satisfying.

2. A-Z blogging in April: This was tougher than I actually imagined, it almost sucked out all the creative juices from inside me. But the completion brought along a lot of satisfaction, appreciation, readers, and a volume of content to my blog.

3. Completing a half marathon: I was not allowed to register for a half marathon, since I didn't have any time certificate to prove if I can complete it. Though I took part in a 10K run, I already completed a dry run this Sunday. 27th is the actual run, I am quite confident of completing this one as well.

4. Getting my first tattoo: I had been a nice guy most of my life, doing all the socially acceptable things, but this was the point I started saying goodbye to it. Even in t-2 days, I didn't know that I was going to get it, but I still went ahead with it. It counts as my most daring adventure.

5. Watching Bhoota Kola live: I can't thank my friend Harsh enough for it, he was one of the sole reasons I got to witness it. Kantara was a big spectacle movie, and this movie had me gripped. Within a month of watching the movie, I was able to watch it in actuality, so extremely happy to get this off my list.

6. Storytelling: I have been a big fan of stories since my childhood, having seen the impact of situational storytelling in real life, this art couldn't have gripped me more. This year, I have been on stage telling stories at as many chances as I get. I have plans of helping others tell their stories too, let's see how it goes.

7. Letters to Stranger: Inspired by a social media handle of Udita Pal, I wanted to write love letters to strangers on Valentine's Day, but since the day is too far, I decided to do a test run. Though I ended up writing to more known people than strangers, but writing it to the strangers was more fun. With no expectations, no boundaries, and no shared experiences, it was a truly liberating exercise.

These are the seven highlights of the past seven months of this year. Multiple significant but nonflashy achievements also helped me trust myself a little more. With five remaining months I am looking forward to adding five more significant ones to the list. Here is what I would be running after for the remaining days of the year.

1. Not to die.

2. Posting on Social Media every single day for one month.

3. Reach a mark of 100 pushups a day. 

4. Host/ Form a storytelling group in the city

5. Call my sister once at least once a week for the remaining weeks.

6. Take one photograph of myself every week.

7. Memorize the lyrics of at least 4 songs.

8. Learn and perform the intermediate level of Garba

9. Make two solo trips happen.

What is the major highlights of the year for you, let me know !!


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