what if generation

Let’s begin with a question

How many of you are waiting for our platonic love just like they show in movies.

I hope many of you are a part of this line, just like me.

Another question,

How many of you have ever found somebody who is ready to love them as you are, but you don’t feel attracted to them like they show in movies?

I again hope many of you are a part of this line too just like i am.

Last one, how many of you ever felt that the person who likes you are not attractive in your books, but the ones that you are ready to fall head over feet to doesn’t give a damn.

I again hope many of you are a part of this line too, just like i am.

I have a really bad habit of getting stuck in the line of Instagram reels, again like many of you. 

And i stumbled upon a reel from a popular web series “little things”, in which the lead female character kavya asks lead male character Dhruv that she is not sure about him. What if there is someone better than him made for her.

In response to which Dhruv, the male character instead of taking it on his hulk strong male ego, makes her understand that there would always be a better version of everything available to us. And as long as we keep chasing the better one in search of global best, we are losing out on making things special with the good ones we already have.

And if we choose to run this race of going mindlessly after better without giving our best efforts with the already good we have, we stand guaranteed of losing the chance of creating something really special. I know the world is constantly pressurising us in a hustle mode, asking us not to be satisfied with what we have, and not to settle down until we get the best.

Do you see the flaw in the last sentence, is it hustle everyone is so desperately looking for or is it the peace. Would you like to fill your life with a chase without a sight of target that is beyond your control or timeline, or would you like to be satisfied with whatever you have got.

I just hope you are again a part of same line as i am, so come on, let’s make something special out of good we already have, embrace our realities, blessings and problems we already have, and move slowly towards satisfaction and peace.


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