Procrastination: my life saving skill

am standing in front of my cupboard, a few minutes after waking up. I looked at the coffee mug which was supposed to contain my toothbrush and tongue cleaner so I continued my daily ritual which is a perfect getaway to starting a day. I have been doing the same set of activities since moving to my current city two years ago, and perhaps years before that.

But, there was one thing missing. The Tongue Cleaner. It is one of those necessary small things that we often take for granted, but if it goes missing our world turns upside down. Something very similar to our loved ones in life, whom we see every day and take their presence in our life for granted. A bit of over-exaggeration over a missing tongue cleaner, I know. But you know what, it's a really critical requirement in my life, just like a nail cutter. My level of anxiety when one of these two things goes missing out of all my legal properties, my brain performs summer saults in the intensity that the world has yet to witness completely.

Unlike, every other time when one of these has gone missing. I did something different this time, I postponed my worry. I picked up my spare tongue cleaner, which was not even half as good as the one I use every day, and finished my business. I gave myself some time, telling my brain that we would worry about it tomorrow if we didn't find it by then. Like most other things, it would be around somewhere here, for the time being, it has just gone out of sight.

And, you know what. Just like, the love of your life, that you find when you are looking the least for it, I found the tongue cleaner, just an hour later when I opened the exact same section of the cupboard, entangled with one of my swimming pants strings. 

This is perhaps one of the few instances where I have put my procrastination skills to good use. 

I did the same thing with earbuds later and felt the magic of discovering a totally new life skill.

So, from now on when I don't find the thing that I am desperately looking for, I know what to do. Just close my eyes and stop looking for them. Most beautiful, and amazing things come into your life when you are looking the least for them. 

I rest my faith a little more in the next line now. "Deluulu is the Soluulu.."


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